Open Music at Davos 2020
9:30 AM09:30

Open Music at Davos 2020

Come and learn about Open Music’s work with MIT Connection Science at their Imagination in Action tent at the World Economic Forum at Davos. Alongside MIT’s Alex Pentland and Thomas Hardjono, and MIT Connection Science Fellow Induprakas Keri, Open Music’s Nicole d’Avis will share a demo and discuss how open protocols will improve the transparency, performance, and accountability of the music industry.

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Open Music at Unclaimed Royalties Symposium
8:30 AM08:30

Open Music at Unclaimed Royalties Symposium

The U.S. Copyright Office is undertaking a public study to determine the best practices that the Mechanical Licensing Collective may implement to effectively identify copyright owners and unclaimed royalties of musical works while encouraging copyright owners to claim royalties and ultimately reduce the occurrence of unclaimed royalties. To initiate this study, the Office will hold an all-day educational symposium to facilitate discussion on these issues by broad industry participants and other interested members of the public, including featuring Open Music’s Nicole d’Avis on a panel on creating comprehensive databases.

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Members Meeting - New York 2019
9:30 AM09:30

Members Meeting - New York 2019

Don't miss this Open Music Member Meeting in New York, featuring critical decisions on the Bylaws and Governance structures, a demo of Berklee and MIT’s joint technical project, and updates on Berklee’s latest education efforts. Meeting agenda and more details to be updated soon.

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RESCHEDULED: Members Meeting - New York 2019
9:30 AM09:30

RESCHEDULED: Members Meeting - New York 2019

After receiving many requests, we have decided to move our May 29 bylaws ratification meeting to early Fall. Many members need time to provide thoughtful feedback, especially given the recent updates to our corporate purposes. These important discussions merit waiting and not trying to rush things through.

We will send out the new meeting date to our membership and update on the site when it’s available. All purchased tickets will be refunded in full via Eventbrite.

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AIMP Members Luncheon
12:00 PM12:00

AIMP Members Luncheon

Members of the Association of Independent Music Publishers will join Berklee, MIT and IBM at lunch to learn more about Open Music and how it can benefit the Music Modernization Act and music publishers; and also learn about how technologies like blockchain and machine learning can dramatically improve publisher forecasts, reduce backroom costs and increase revenue collections.

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Open Music at MIT's Computational Law Workshop
11:00 AM11:00

Open Music at MIT's Computational Law Workshop

This workshop will provide a conceptual overview and hands-on projects for understanding and solving legal use cases with data analytics, transaction automation and blockchain smart contracts with Dazza Greenwood, Visiting Scientist at MIT Media Lab/, including a special module and use cases with Open Music’s George Howard.

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Open Music at the Copyright and Technology NYC 2019 Conference
11:00 AM11:00

Open Music at the Copyright and Technology NYC 2019 Conference

  • Fordham University School of Law, Lincoln Center Campus (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Open Music Strategic Advisor Vickie Nauman and IBM Media & Entertainment CTO Peter Guglielmino for a plenary discussion on how the Music Modernization Act is accelerating a new wave of innovation in rights management, and how Open Music’s open protocols might serve as a convener for creative rights holders with competing interests and differing influence levels toward shared benefits.

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RESCHEDULED: Education/Advocacy Working Group Kick-Off Call
3:00 PM15:00

RESCHEDULED: Education/Advocacy Working Group Kick-Off Call

  • Call will take place via Webex link/number. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Due to proximity to the holidays we have decided to reschedule this call for January so we can use our time well, and kick-off with strong attendance. We will send out the new date/time to our membership and update on the site.

Join us for the first call for the Education/Advocacy Working Group.

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RESCHEDULED: Implementation/Adoption Working Group Kick-Off Call
11:00 AM11:00

RESCHEDULED: Implementation/Adoption Working Group Kick-Off Call

  • Call will take place via Webex link/number. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Due to proximity to the holidays we have decided to reschedule this call for January so we can use our time well, and kick-off with strong attendance. We will send out the new date/time to our membership and update on the site.

Join us for the first call for the Implementation/Adoption Working Group.

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Open Music Legal Hackathon
10:00 AM10:00

Open Music Legal Hackathon

  • MIT Media Lab (Room E14 3rd floor Atrium) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join co-hosts MIT Connection Science, Legal Hackers, and Open Music for a unique day-long hackathon.

Explore and develop creative solutions for ownership/control/exchange of property rights to music and other digital media from the artist/creator vantage point in the music and media industry context. Learn about the Music Modernization Act and how it enables novel business models and legal frameworks that can transform the music and media industry through innovative technologies.

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New Orleans Artists Workshop
7:00 PM19:00

New Orleans Artists Workshop

Explore the Future of Artistry

New Technologies for Creative Expression: Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and Virtual Reality

Join Ace Hotels and Berklee’s Open Music Initiative for an artist-focused exploration of the creative possibilities unlocked through new technologies. What are the income streams of the future, and what role will Blockchain play? How will Artificial Intelligence (AI) change artistry? What are the funding models of the 21st century?

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Summer Lab Final Demo Day
11:00 AM11:00

Summer Lab Final Demo Day

The Final Demo Day for OMI Summer Lab is here and the fellows are ready to show off their ventures!

Join us to hear the latest updates and check out the final ventures from the four Summer Lab teams, as they explore the edges of derivative musical works by utilizing distributed ledgers and OMI's API.

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Summer Lab Mid-Point Demo Day
11:00 AM11:00

Summer Lab Mid-Point Demo Day

Join us to hear the latest updates and check out the new ventures from the four Summer Lab teams, as they explore the edges of derivative musical works by utilizing distributed ledgers and OMI's API. 

All OMI members and supporters are encouraged to join us, participate in the discussion, and provide feedback on their early prototypes.

11:00am - Welcome & opening remarks
11:30am - Team presentations & lunch
2:30pm - Feedback & discussion

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