The Berklee Institute of Creative Entrepreneurship & IDEO created a summer lab for The Open Music Initiative that explored the intersection of open source technologies, creator rights, and music consumption. The program took place July 11-29 in Boston.

The Berklee ICE / IDEO Open Music Initiative “Summer Lab” addressed the challenge of getting quality data about music into a shared ledger.Without accurate and complete information even the most robust technical solutions fail to deliver on their promise. Our short summer sprint explored new workflows and incentives to capture this critical information.
The Summer Lab began on July 11 with two days of immersion for the students. The first day of the lab began with a deep dive into industry challenges, creative workflows, and a technology landscape. Participants heard from music industry veterans, streaming services, software developers, entrepreneurs and artists. The second day was an immersion into IDEO's design-thinking methodologies with emphasis on framing challenges, building empathy, gathering feedback and prototyping. On the third day, teams and project briefs were assigned and the sprints began.
What creator and fan incentives might we create to encourage sharing of this information?
What emergent fan experiences might result from this data collection?
What new workflows might we design to gather this critical information as music is being created?

Forty students participated in a makeathon on June 3 to audition for the program. Eighteen were selected to continue this summer.